our company

Our History


Founded in 2018, Solomon Community Solar (SCS) has rapidly become one of the fastest growing partners to community solar project developers nationwide.

Our senior management team brings strong management experience to our marketing and operations. We each have over 20 years of experience in energy markets, mass market consumer acquisitions, engagement, and billing.

We view our clients as partners and work together to adapt to consumer demand and evolving markets.

We have a strong compliance-oriented culture that emphasizes customer responsiveness, empowerment, personal growth, and continual innovation and learning.

Our team of 25 full time employees are passionate about the business. Our collective priority is to ensure that all enrollees are knowledgeable consumers who understand and benefit from the services they are signing up for.

working behind the scenes

White Label Servicing


SCS provides end-to-end white label marketing and servicing under clients’ brand. This protects our developer partners’ intellectual property and proprietary customer information.

Wind Turbines
68 %
Solar Panels
85 %
Hybrid Energy
25 %

We have 20+ years of experience
in energy markets.

our history

Company History


Founded in 2018, Solomon Community Solar has rapidly become one of the fastest growing partners to community solar project developers nationwide.


Company Founded

Small short description


Solar Project

Small short description


Renewable Energy

Small short description

Have a Question? We are Here to Help!

Our senior staff members each have over 20 years of experience in energy markets, mass market consumer acquisitions and engagement, and billing and collections.

Have a Question? We are Here to Help!

Our senior staff members each have decades of experience in energy markets, mass market consumer acquisitions and engagement, and billing and collections.